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WHINT MessageVolume Report for SAP Process Orchestration



This solution reads the performance data of each Process Orchestration Adapter Engine and creates a report (monthly/weekly/daily) with the message volumes per Interface:

  • Count (number of messages)
  • Processing Times (total average processing time, average & maximum processing time for mapping and receiver adapter)
  • Size (average message size, maximum message size)
  • Volume (total message volume per interface)
  • Quality of Service (BE/EO/EOIO)
  • Direction (inbound/outbound)
  • Sender (Party, Service)
  • Receiver (Party, Service)
  • Interface (with Namespace)
  • Scenario (Integration Flow Name/Integrated Configuration)
  • Retries (number of message processing retries as average and maximum)

Each Interface can be assigned to an area by maintaining a configuration file (e.g. all interfaces belonging to a subsidiary, brand or a specific scenario).

WHINT MessageVolume Report (SAP PI/PO)


  • Works with SAP NetWeaver Process Orchestration version 7.3 EHP1 and higher
  • If you read from more than one Adapter Engine and you enforce SSL, you need to apply SP15 for 7.31 / SP10 for 7.40
  • Create a new User with the following standard role (or equivalent custom role): SAP_XI_MONITOR_J2EE
  • Activate the performance monitoring in NWA
    • Configuration > Infrastructure > Java System Properties
    • Services > XPI Service: AF Core
    • Properties > profile.performance.runtime = true
  • Deploy WHINT MessageTrigger Job, which is part of the solution to trigger messages
  • Import the Software Component into your ESR provided by Whitepaper InterfaceDesign
  • Configure the Scenario by installing the Integration Scenario in NWDS (via iFlows) or in Integration Directory Swing Client
  • Configure the interval to keep the last 45 days (at least 32) of the message processing by executing the following URL on your Process Orchestration system: http(s)://host:port/mdt/performancedataqueryservlet?PeriodConfig=DAILY=45


  • Trigger the download of the WHINTMessageVolume Report using a trigger job
    1. Add a new task of type “MessageTriggerJob” and provide a name (e.g. WHINT_MessageVolumeReport)
    2. Set the ScenarioSender according to your Configuration Scenario (e.g. WHINT_MVR)
    3. Configure the report period in the MessageTrigger Job definition
      • Param01: PERIOD=<reportingPeriod>
      • The following reporting periods are possible:
        • MONTH (default)
        • LAST_MONTH
        • WEEK (last 7 days)
        • LAST_WEEK (since monday)
  • Setup the area assignment like this in the Imported Archive “Lookup_XML”, file “Lookup_Area.xml”
    • Area: Test1
      • SenderSystem: Party_BC1 / SenderParty: Party1
      • ReceiverSystem: System3 / ReceiverParty:
      • Interface: Message_Out / InterfaceNS: urn:test
    • Area: Test2
      • SenderSystem: System4 / SenderParty:
      • ReceiverSystem: Component2 / ReceiverParty:
      • Interface: * / InterfaceNS: *

You can also trigger a test message (e.g. from PIMON with START and END as parameter and the dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD) using the MessageTriggerJob XML message format.


The company (group) wants to distribute the costs for the SAP middleware operations across all (local) companies/subsidiaries based on the message volume they are using. Each month they execute a measurement and summarize the result into an Excel file.

The result can also be pushed into a BW data source (available on demand).

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