When moving to SAP Integration Suite we have to configure SAP Cloud Connector to be able to access the SAP ABAP Backend systems (ECC, EWM, S/4HANA, etc.).
This blog post lists the typical HTTP Services you have to configure in SAP Cloud Connector (and in SICF transaction of your ABAP-System) as opening the entire services tree can lead to risks:
- /sap/xi/engine (XI3.0 SAP SOAP-Protocol)
- /sap/bc/srt (WS-Runtime SOAP-Protocol, IDOCs, RFCs via SOAP)
- there are several services to be activated below, you can check via transaction SRT_ADMIN
- /sap/opu/odata (ODATA-Services)
Please activate with the option “path with sub-paths”.
Please be aware, there are SAP notes like 1487606 to warn you of using those ICF services, so please check first, if you really plan to use the APIs. Also avoid using /sap/bc/soap/rfc and check SAP note 1394100 here.

If you want to see an overview of systems and services from your cloud connector configuration, you should activate this new feature of the WHINT Interface Catalog.