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Runtime Variables Overview for SAP Cloud Integration (CPI / HCI)


Last Update: 01.2024

This is an overview of useful and commonly used (dynamic) variables and runtime parameters of SAP Cloud Platform Integration (f.k.a. SAP HCI) based on Apache Camel´s expression language.

SAP Help: Headers and Exchange Properties

Those variables can be used in Integration Flows (e.g. in artifacts as Content Modifier, Router, Channels, …):

${in.body} or ${body}Message Payload
${header.var1}Message Header Variable (var1)
${property.prop1}Exchange Property (prop1)
${date:now:yyyy-MM-dd}Current Date/Time with format
${property. SAP_MessageProcessingLogID}Message Guid
${CamelFileName}File Name
${CamelHttpUri}HTTP URI (URL with QueryString)
${CamelDestinationOverrideUrl}SOAP Adapter URL
${exception.message}Error Message
${exception.stacktrace}Error Stacktrace
${SapMessageId}XI Adapter: Message Id (uppercase, w/out dashes)
${SapMessageIdEx}XI Adapter: Message Id (lowercase, with dashes)
${header.SAP_DataStoreRetries}XI Adapter using Datastore: Retry Count
${header. SAPJMSRetries}JMS Retry Count
${property.SAP_MessageProcessingLogCustomStatus}Custom Status (e.g. if you want to track error situations for completed messages)
${header.SAP_Sender}Sender (monitoring)
${header.SAP_Receiver}Receiver (monitoring)
${header.SAP_MessageType}Application-specific message type (monitoring)
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  1. […] If an error occurs in the second integration process, e.g. during mapping or outbound connectivity, the message is KEPT in the JMS queue and a RETRY takes place (you can also trigger the retry manually from the JMS queue and/or you might want to add a circuit breaker by checking the number of retry attempts and finish the processing after a while, see header SAPJMSRetries). […]

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