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J2SE Adapter Engine – Setup/Installation


How to use the J2SE Adapter Engine:
The J2SE AE aka “Adapter Engine (Java SE)” is still supported and being maintained by SAP. You can use it if you need a light-weight middleware component on any system close to database, JMS queue, WebService or NFS filesystem.
Mainly it is used to solve the UNIX-Windows NFS dilemma (you want to access a network drive but your PI/PO installation is in UNIX).
Another network/security use case is to install it into the DMZ and use the J2SE AE as a reverse proxy (application gateway) for inbound communication from the internet.

Here you go:

  1. Get J2SE software from SAP (Service Marketplace Alias /swdc -> Support Packages and Patches-> Browse -> SAP NetWeaver and complementary products -> SAP NetWeaver -> SAP NETWEAVER 7.4 -> Entry by Component -> PI Adapter Engine (Java SE) => Downoad XI CONNECTIVITY SE 7.40
  2. Download JRE (e.g. from according to the required version) – Java 7 works fine
  3. Install JRE and extract AE archive into file system (only archive is needed)
  4. Copy file servlet.jar (can be downloaded e.g. from into extracted folder tech_adapter
  5. Install Service under Windows/Unix (use admin rights “run as administrator” when executing the script)
  6. Start the Admin UI from Browser with default port 8200 and user sap password init
  7. Configure the channels you need and communicate via HTTP(S) to your PI/PO integration server

Btw: This approach basically exists since XI 2.0 and is still valid for PI/PO 7.5! See the official documentation: SAP Help.

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