The 2407 product update contains some new features for WHINT Interface Documentation for SAP Integration Suite (Cloud Integration):

- Delta Mode: Auto-generate documents only for recent deployments
- Versions: Add iFlow version to file name
- HTML: Generate HTML documents (instead of PDF)
Delta Mode:
You can configure the parameter “Mode” with value “DELTA” and then the Interface Documentation will be generated only for recently deployed Integration Artifacts (since the last run). When it runs, it will only generate new content if new content was deployed in the meantime. This applies to the following objects:
- Integration Flows (iFlow WHINT IFD Cloud Integration)
- Message Mappings (iFlow WHINT IFD Cloud Integration Message Mapping)
- Value Mappings (iFlow WHINT IFD Cloud Integration Value Mapping)
- APIs (iFlow WHINT IFD Cloud Integration API)
You can add the version of the Integration Artifact to the file name by putting parameter nameWithVersion = true. This applies to the following objects:
- Integration Flows (iFlow WHINT IFD Cloud Integration)
- Message Mappings (iFlow WHINT IFD Cloud Integration Message Mapping)
- Value Mappings (iFlow WHINT IFD Cloud Integration Value Mapping)
- APIs (iFlow WHINT IFD Cloud Integration API)
- API Proxies (iFlow WHINT IFD API Management)

You can generate HTML documents instead of PDF documents (which is easier if you want to copy-paste content from the generated documentation or simply if you prefer HTML). This applies to the following objects:
- Integration Flows (iFlow WHINT IFD Cloud Integration)
- Message Mappings, XSLT and Groovy files within iFlows can be stored as Excel documents in a sub-folder
- Value Mappings (iFlow WHINT IFD Cloud Integration Value Mapping)
- APIs (iFlow WHINT IFD Cloud Integration API)
- API Proxies (iFlow WHINT IFD API Management)

Last Update: 21. Aug 2024