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Excel is dead – long live Excel


This article is for integration team leads / integration architects / project managers dealing with interfaces / integrations:


So far, in the last years we have been replacing manually managed interface lists (based on Excel or not) with our interface management solutions – Interface Catalog – for

The advantages are:

  • Automated and always up-to-date interface overview
  • Integration transparency at a central place (SharePoint) which can be shared with other (IT-) colleagues

The disadvantages are:

  • You can not add your own data (only what has been entered e.g. in the description)
  • Each Excel document has its own (source-specific) perspective and structure

Our Integration Cockpit Inventory

  • is automatically discovering interfaces from various data sources
  • is standardizing/harmonizing the interfaces into a central place
  • allows you to harmonize sender/receiver information (map/align against your EAM applications or system landscape)
  • allows you to add your own fields
  • allows you to model End-To-End Integrations to define sequences of distributed integrations

With this approach we follow the recommended approach of the SAP Interface Management Guide (chapter 14.3):

SAP Interface Management Guide (SAP Press)

And now you can also automate the provisioning of your inventory into SharePoint via Excel:

Interfaces in Inventory
End-To-End Integrations in Inventory

Technically, we are reading the API of the Integration Cockpit, convert the content into Excel and upload the file into SharePoint:

SharePoint Excel documents
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