We are often asked “what kind of data are you processing in the Integration Cockpit”?
This document is to explain, which content we are importing and processing.
All the following data about enterprise integration artifacts in the Integration Cockpit (if available by data source):
- Identification: Name, Title, Id
- Version
- Descriptions, documentation
- Grouping/Hierarchy (e.g. package assignment)
- Lifecycle Information (e.g. Last Change User, Date)
- Sender-Receiver related information
- Connectivity (e.g. URLs, host names, user names)
- Transformation Logic (mappings, scripts)
- Orchestration Logic (BPMN, Workflow sequence)
- Traffic Information (message Ids, status, last change datetime)
- Performance data (execution time, message size, retries)
We are NOT persisting any business data: No payloads are read, no message content is read (and thus not persisted).