Since October 2016 WHINT® is a registered trademark in Germany and represents our software product line whint://Solutions. Each product name of Whitepaper InterfaceDesign contains the term WHINT®.
Posts published in “Solutions”
In this section you will find Configuration Guides with Examples for our Solutions
Functionality This JCA Adapter for SAP Process Orchestration supports the WebDAV protocol (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) which is based on http(s) and allows read/write access to any WebDAV provider…
SAP´s Cloud Integration Content Catalog for SAP Business Technology Platform, integration service is now hosting partner content, and we are part of it:
Please note that our AMQP adapter has been deprecated and replaced by WHINT Azure Service Bus Adapter for SAP Process Orchestration WHINT RabbitMQ Adapter for SAP Process Orchestration Functionality This…
Functionality This solution provides you with an overview about your Integration Landscape: All information from your configuration of your SAP Process Orchestration System as well SAP Backend Systems. The tool…
We have enhanced our cloud edition of WHINT CurrencyRates with a new provider: The API provides bitcoin exchange rates for the major currencies and integrates automatically into SAP (e.g.…
This Integration Package for SAP Process Orchestration is a turn-key solution to retrieve currency rates from different data feeds into SAP Business Suite. No additional development is needed on SAP…
This Integration Package for SAP Cloud Integration is a turn-key solution which seamlessly integrates Ingenico ePayment reporting data into SAP FI (Ingenico ePayments was formerly known as GlobalCollect). It enables…
We have passed the certification at SAP ICC for our first Turn-key Solution delivered on SAP Business Technology Platform, integration service (SAP BTP)! WHINT CurrencyRates is a plug&play Integration Content which can…
This Integration Package for SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) is a turn-key solution to retrieve currency rates from different data feeds into SAP Business Suite. No additional development is needed…