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Posts published in “Checks”

The Alternative for Interface Management


In a previous blogpost we have highlighted why Interface Management for Enterprise Integration is so important: The WHAT, WHY and VALUE of Interface Management. It contains many aspects (such as…

How many CPI Tenants do you need?


This article should help you to decide of you need one, two or more SAP Integration Suite tenants. In SAP PI/PO times, companies were typically using a Development (DEV), a…

Landscape Check for SAP Cloud Integration in WHINTIC


With the latest update, you can easily compare your Cloud Integration Artefacts in WHINT Integration Cockpit (WHINTIC). Similar to our Excel-based predecessor version, you can see a version comparison across…

Alerting for SAP Cloud Connector


This winter update for WHINT Interface Monitoring adds the ability to inform you, when your certificate is about to expire which controls the connection to your subaccount. Like this you…

The Business Case for Interface Management


Why investing in a software to increase transparency, quality and efficiency through automation? The reason is obvious, but still we are asked how the costs can be justified, so we…

PerformanceCheck for SAP PI/PO Messages


For some integration scenarios we have to know as soon as possible if a performance of an interface is getting worse. With this new feature of our WHINT Interface Monitoring…