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Alert Receiver Filter Options for WHINT Interface Monitoring


WHINT Interface Monitoring now allows to add specific filter rules per monitored system.

The receiver specific configuration is performed in the alert configuration. Add the systems to be monitored as MonitoredSystem, you can also use Regex patterns as usual. If you put “.*” as wildcard or if you do not add the field, the behaviour remains the same.

  <Subject>Interface Monitoring Snapshot</Subject>

This configuration is monitoring the (backend) system SAP_ERP_EUROPE_P and will alert any message to/from this system, but only if the error occurs inside SAP_ERP_EUROPE_P, not if some channel or message of the adapter engine is in error.

The names do not have to be equal, but they have to match the Integration Directory Configuration (Business System / Business Component).

Background: In case you want to be alerted about all Outbound messages of this system which might fail and you do not want to be alerted about anything happening in the middleware regarding this system, this would be the way to go.

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