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WHINT PaymentReporting Ingenico (Cloud Edition)


This Integration Package for SAP Cloud Integration is a turn-key solution which seamlessly integrates Ingenico ePayment reporting data into SAP FI (Ingenico ePayments was formerly known as GlobalCollect).
It enables the automatic processing of the Ingenico Collection Appendix Report as SAP FI documents with state-of-the-art integration technology. No changes or developments are required on SAP ERP side, only a few configuration steps are needed (ALE IDoc inbound processing).The accounting documents will be created automatically via a standard IDoc. Other Reports (Financial Statements) can be picked up automatically as well and e.g. sent via E-Mail.

It enables the merchant to process and reconcile payment processing data and match it with his transactional order-related data in SAP Finance.



  • Turn-key Solution: Pre-Packaged Integration Content for SAP Cloud Integration
  • Mapping, Connectivity and Interface Processing just needs to be activated with a few steps
  • Data provider for Payment Reporting 
    • Ingenico ePayments is the online and mobile commerce division of Ingenico Group – connecting merchants and consumers, enabling businesses everywhere to go further beyond today’s boundaries, creating the future of global commerce
  • How it works
    • The regular sales transactions (e-commerce, retail, …) are posted into SAP Finance using the transaction id of Ingenico against credit card/payment type specific G/L accounts (Debit)
    • The payment reporting data is also posted into SAP Finance against the same G/L accounts using the same allocation number (Credit). Like this, the postings can be reconciled easily. The total balance is posted on a receivables G/L account (Debit) which can be reconciled against the financial statement coming from the electronic bank statement.
    • The solution handles the creation of the SAP FI accounting document by picking up the Ingenico Collection Appendix Report and converting (mapping) it automatically.


  • SAP Business Technology Platform, integration service (SAP BTP)

Configuration Guide: SAP Cloud Integration

  1. Import Integration Package into your Cloud Integration tenant
  2. Configure Integration Package
  • Select the scheduling according to your needs, e.g. daily at 10 PM or every hour.
  • Check the SFTP Address and provide your credentials
  • Add User Credentials under Monitoring -> Security Artefacts
  • Add the SFTP Public Key into the known_hosts file and deploy it under Monitoring -> Security Artefacts
  • Configure the SAP Business System Connectivity
  • Maintain the Value Mappings for Account Determination, … tbd.

Configuration Guide: SAP Business Suite 

  1. Check if IDoc-XML Messages can be received
  2. Create ALE Logical System
  3. Create partner profile for IDoc

Transaction SALE: Add your logical system name which represents the data provider (e.g. INGENICO)


Transaction WE20: Maintain Message Type ACC_DOCUMENT for partner (LS) INGENICO with process code BAPI.

Monitoring the Message Flow

Transaction BD87 shows the processed IDoc

Transaction FB03 finally shows the accounting document in SAP. 

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