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WHINT® Integration Cockpit

Our new SaaS solution helps companies to manage the complexity of their integration landscape by providing a central control center for interfaces to allow faster (data driven) decisions, to improve quality and thus reduce business process interruptions and downtimes with a higher efficiency.

  • More transparency for better decisions to support transformations and projects
  • Higher interface quality and better control (operations) for less business process downtimes
  • More efficiency through a fully automated approach


The Integration Cockpit is providing a fully automated approach to generate an inventory of interfaces from different data sources, allowing the discovery of single interface types and a grouped management of End-To-End Integrations across the integration layer. A standardized view with normalized sender/receiver systems is ensured to also feed your EAM solution with useful data in an automated way.


A technical documentation based on the discovered interface metadata and integration flow artifacts helps to standardize and enforce the creation of PDF documents (stored into SharePoint).


Automated checks on design time (development) and runtime (operations) help to increase the quality and detect issues early stage. Those checks are the pillars of an integration quality management program to avoid or reduce downtimes.


A standardized reporting allows to define KPIs and statistics for traffic, volume, performance, errors, interface stability to support aspects like e.g. cost allocation and decommissioning.

Data Sources & Integrations

Integration LayerIntegrations
SAP Integration Suite
– API Management
– Cloud Integration
– Event Mesh
– Integration Assessment
– LeanIX
– Bee360 (planned)
SAP Process Orchestration
– Process Integration
– Cloud Integration
– BPM (planned)
– TPM (planned)
– SharePoint (planned)
– Confluence (planned
Microsoft Azure Integration Services
– API Management
– Logic Apps
– Service Bus
– Event Grid
– JIRA (planned)
– Service Now (planned)
SAP ABAP Backend
– IDoc (ALE)
– OData API
– RFC Destination
– File
MuleSoft (in build phase)
Solace (planned)
feature overview

Deployment Options

Last update: 08. Jun 2024