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Quality Checks for SAP Cloud Integration with WHINT Interface Documentation


WHINT Interface Documentation creates PDF documents of your Cloud Integration Content to automate the technical documentation and help you to search for used artifacts and elements inside SAP Cloud Integration Flows & OData Services.

Inspired by an open source contribution of Morten Wittbrock, the official SAP design guidelines and some of our own experiences, we have embedded the following checks into our documentation solution:

AreaQuality Check
DocumentationiFlow Description is missing (Metadata & BPMN)
DocumentationReadability of integration processes: max. number of elements (configurable)
Documentation Naming Integration Package / ID
DocumentationNaming Integration Flow / ID
SecurityUnencrypted Receiver Channel with Basic Authentication
SecurityRefuse specific HTTP Headers (configurable)
Security Use CSRF Protection for HTTP/OData Sender Channels with POST/PATCH
ConsistencyEnsure ProcessDirect receiver channel has a
matching sender channel
ConsistencyClean up request headers
Mapping GuidelinesAllow/refuse Script Languages: Groovy/JavaScript (configurable)
Mapping GuidelinesAllow/refuse Operation/Message Mappings (configurable)
Mapping GuidelinesAllow/refuse XSLT Mappings (configurable)
Mapping GuidelinesAllow/refuse XSLT versions 1.0/2.0/3.0 (configurable)
Mapping GuidelinesRefuse Java Archives (configurable)
Mapping GuidelinesCheck Groovy Statements
Runtime/PerformanceApply rate limit for Incoming Calls (> 1 MB)
Runtime/PerformanceMessage Body is stored in MPL
Runtime/PerformanceCheck if HTTP session reuse is applied
Runtime/PerformanceCheck if Chunking is enabled
Transport ManagementHave parameters been externalized?
Error HandlingNo Exception Subprocess is used
Error HandlingMessages can be lost: Apply a Retry Pattern
Sender/ReceiverCheck if maintained in Metadata
Sender/ReceiverCheck if renamed in BPMN diagram (not Sender* or Receiver*)

A quality check document typically looks like this:

Quality Checks


  • The Quality Checks help you to implement best practices and recommendations your integration flows and protect you against common design mistakes.
  • It is also a useful instrument to validate the quality delivered by your implementation partners.
  • Overall, it helps you to increase the quality and so the robustness of your cloud interfaces.
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