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WHINT RabbitMQ Adapter for SAP Process Orchestration



This JCA Adapter for SAP Process Orchestration uses the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) to connect to RabbitMQ, a reliable way to establish a properly decoupled application integration using message queues and topics.


  • Send & receive messages to/from RabbitMQ brokers
  • Basic Authentication (Plain)
  • Set Queue/Topic dynamically (Receiver Channels)
  • Correlations
  • Custom Message Properties and custom Message Headers
  • Content Type
  • Content Encoding (Receiver Channels)
  • JSON<->XML conversion via Adapter Module
  • Supports Adapter Specific Message Attributes (ASMA) / DynamicConfiguration
  • Exactly-Once (EO), Exactly-Once-In-Order (EOIO)
  • Deadletter Queues


  • Works with SAP Process Orchestration 7.31 and higher
    • You will obtain a generic software license for your entire landscape which allows you to connect to an unlimited amount of queues/topics
  • How to receive the Adapter:
    1. Request a quote from Whitepaper InterfaceDesign
    2. Submit the Order
    3. You will receive a download link with the software along with the invoice
    4. You can test the adapter for 4 weeks. In case you do not like it, you can return the software at no cost.
  • Installation:
    • Deploy the SCA file provided by Whitepaper InterfaceDesign using NWDS/JSPM/SUM/Telnet
    • Import the TPZ file provided by Whitepaper InterfaceDesign into the ESR

Configuration Guide

  • Create a new sender or receiver communication channel and select the adapter “RabbitMQ” from namespace “” (Software Component WHINT_RMQ 2017.12 of
  • Transport Protocol: RabbitMQ
  • Message Protocol: AMQP 0-9-1
  • ConnectionParameters
    • Broker Host
    • Broker Port
    • Virtual Host
    • TLS/SSL usage
    • Queue / Exchange Name
      • Topic Support
      • Exchange Type (direct/headers/fanout/topic)
      • Routing Key
  • Queue / Exchange Features
    • Durable / Transient
    • Auto Delete
    • Time To Live
    • Max Length
    • Dead Letter Support
  •  Authentication
    • User
    • Password
  • Quality of Service (EO/EOIO with queue name, Sender only)
  • Content Type (Receiver only)
  • Correlation Settings
    • Receiver: when selected, the correlation will be set from
      • ASMA CorrelationId ( – if provided
      • PI MessageId
    • Sender: when selected, the PI Message will be filled with the message correlation
      • In addition, the ASMA CorrelationId ( is set
  • Set/Use Adapter-Specific Message Attributes (ASMA)
    • Namespace:
    • externalMessageID – Message Id received from broker
    • CreateDateTime – Timestamp of message creation
    • QueueExchangeID – Name of the Queue / Exchange Name
    • RoutingKey – Topic routing key
    • DeadLetterQueue – dead letter queue name
    • AppId – Message Property
    • ClusterId – Message Property
    • Type – Message Property
    • Timestamp – Message Property
    • UserId – Message Property
    • Expiration – Message Property
    • ContentEncoding – Message Property
    • Reply_To – Message Property
    • Custom Attributes: Message Headers & Message Properties
      • Receiver: can be set in Receiver Channel statically or dynamically
        • Each attribute must be listed (will be ignored otherwise) – when the value of an attribute is empty, the corresponding value is expected in the ASMA
        • Depending on the name it will be treated as a message property (e.g. app_id) or a message header (e.g. OrderID)
        • The list of Message Properties is statically defined:
          • app_id
          • cluster_id
          • type
          • expiration
          • reply_to
          • content_encoding
          • user_id
      • Sender: all attributes will be set as an ASMA into DynamicConfiguration

Further Information

RabbitMQ by Pivotal Documentation

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