This solution provides you with an overview about your Integration Landscape: All information from your configuration of your SAP Process Orchestration System as well SAP Backend Systems.
- Update (10.2023): LandscapeCheck for Integrated Configurations
- Update (02.2022): Process Catalog (BPM)
- Update (11.2019): Backend Interfaces
- Update (09.2019): Staging & Logging Overview
- Update (03.2019): Local Cloud Integration Content Overview
- Update (01.2019): TPM Excel Overview
- Update (04.2018): Channel Administration in Channel Catalog
The tool downloads (e.g. periodically)
- the Interface Catalog (based on all Integrated Configurations, Communication Channels and Configuration Scenarios) and Systems Catalog (Parties and Systems/Components with attributes)
- the Trading Partner Catalog (TPM, based on SAP B2B Add-on Trading Partner Management, 7.50 only)
- the Cloud Integration Catalog (locally deployed Cloud Integration (CPI) content, 7.50 only)
- the Backend Interface Catalogs (from SAP ABAP Systems: IDoc/File/Web Service/OData/IntegrationEngine)
- a Landscape Check for Cloud Integration Content (compares deployed CPI-Content on PO Dev/Qual/Prod)
as an Excel Sheet.
All Routing information can be read as well as all communication channel attributes (e.g. host name) and all adapter modules including the corresponding parameters.
It answers questions like
- what are the routing conditions for Partner X or IDoc Y ?
- where do we use a specific FTP host?
- where do we use Content Conversion (also via the MessageTransform Bean) ?
The solution is not invasive (no specific installation needed) and runs completely as interfaces using Standard Process Orchestration technology. Only read access is required using the Integration Directory API.
- Import the TPZ file provided by Whitepaper InterfaceDesign into the ESR
- Deploy the SCA of WHINT MessageTrigger Job
- Create a technical user according to our guideline
- Import the TPZ file provided by Whitepaper InterfaceDesign into the Integration Directory
- Adjust the communication channels according to your environment (host, user, etc.)
- If required, generate an authorization header using Postman or a cloud tool
- Schedule the trigger job according to your needs (e.g. weekly)