This solution creates an automatic documentation of your integration artifacts by generating PDF documents in plain text describing your SAP Cloud Integration iFlow / OData Service.
- Update (03.2023): Quality Checks: Naming Conventions & Groovy Statements
- Update (02.2023): CPI Helper Browser Plugin for SharePoint
- Update (02.2023): Value Mappings
- Update (01.2022): Sender & Receiver (from Metadata)
- Update (11.2020): Quality Checks
- Update (11.2019): Message Mappings in Excel
- Administrative Information (Metadata), Configuration Parameters, Descriptions, Service Endpoints
- Message Processing Sequence Flow listing all Integration Processes with Objects, Names and Settings/Values (based on BPMN)
- Resources (Scripts, XSD, WSDL, EDMX, XSLT)
- One folder per Integration Package is created. Each folder contains an overview PDF (_<PackageId>.pdf) with an overview about the package and all artifacts listed.
- One PDF per iFlow/OData Service is created
- The PDFs are stored on an SFTP, SharePoint or any other document management service
- Your individual company logo can be used
The add-on runs periodically (e.g. weekly) and generates the documentation of your cloud integration content automatically.
WHINT Interface Documentation helps to automate the documentation process (keeps the documentation always up to date) and allows quality checks about naming conventions, design principles or runtime robustness.
The solution is using the Standard OData API of SAP Cloud Integration and can be deployed on your Cloud Integration tenant as an Integration Package or provided as a service (where we would receive read access from our SAP Cloud Integration tenant).

- Import the ZIP file (Integration Package) provided by Whitepaper InterfaceDesign as an Integration Package into your tenant
- Configure the receiver integration flow (see Configuration Guide)
- Configure the main integration flow
- Create a dedicated API user to access the Cloud Integration Content and Administration.
- Required Roles: see Technical User Guide
2. Create the User Credentials
- Manage Security Material -> Add User Credentials
3. Configure the main iFlow WHINT IFD
- Enter the tenant URL (tmn) of your tenant (taken from the browser URL)
- Enter the credential to access
4. Configure one of the storage iFlows, e.g. WHINT IFD – PDF 2 SFTP (this iFlow processes each PDF individually and stores them to an SFTP folder, SAP CP Document Service Repository, Sharepoint Online Site or invokes a SAP CP Open Connector (additional SAP license required)
- Change the connectivity according to your company file share
5. Select the timer configuration (when the documentation shall be created)
6. Deploy the integration flow